Sunday, 13 May 2012

Teaching so far.

So far I've had two mornings work experience at a secondary school which I managed to get on through a YSIS scheme at my university. I've been placed in the Learning Support Centre working with weaker students or students in isolation. I have to admit, this is possibly the most difficult combination of students I could work with, I've pretty much been thrown in head first. BUT I am really enjoying the experience so far. I'm still finding my feet and trying to get the balance right between being an authority figure whilst also being approachable. Being a twenty year old girl and only 5ft tall, its something I'm going to have to sort out! Couldn't be much more of a walking target really.

I've worked both one on one with students, particularly those at GCSE level who are revising for exams, and with groups of younger pupils who struggle with numeracy and literacy under the guidance of teachers, which I've enjoyed the most. I was told that eventually I should be able to work in history lessons which should give me more of an idea of the job I'm hopefully going to be getting myself into! I've loved my experience so far though, haven't been put off yet!

Next steps involve registering on the GTTR website and preparing myself for another UCAS-style application. YAY. I'm also setting up another placement at my old secondary school working particularly in the history department which should be great.

I also really need to collect my log book from campus so I can record each visit which I think is mainly meant to act as a diary/trigger to help with any applications. Anyway, these are the questions I have to answer about each school visit:

·                     What did you do today?
·                     What worked well?
·                     What didn't work so well?
·                     How did your contribution benefit the children and teacher today?
·                     What did you enjoy most about today's session?
·                     Did you feel that the school used your skills effectively today? If not, why?
·                     Did you discuss the session with the teacher?
·                     Action Points for next visit

I still feel too young to deal with all this adult stuff!

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